
Und damit meine ich nicht die Bild-Schlagzeile


Beitragvon Arastrus » 07.12.2013, 20:21

Information about myself

Time zone: GMT+0

Age: 24

Location: Munich, Germany

A little bit about me:

My goal is - and has been - PvE entirely. I guess some of you might know my name from the discussions in the forums or my leadership of the "funraids". I take and have taken PvE very serious and love to face challenges. I am a dedicated theorycrafter and I am focused on my currently played class.

Besides that I am a software developer and currently back to normal after a serious episode of depression. After some absent months a lot has changed and I am fine again :) I will do my A-levels within the next 18 months and for that time I can ensure the ability to meet the raid times upmost.

At last I like fantasy and sci-fi, watch some series, play volleyball and table tennis and love British humor.

Your character

Class and talent specialization:

Mage, currently arcane cause of the lulz, used to 2-48-11 (talents)

Thinks I like and dislike about my class:

I like the straight forward part of the mage class and I just enjoy playing mage the most. I dislike the missing of a lifetap ability ;)

What steps do you take to improve your character?:

Messing/comparing with other mages, theorycrafting (BiS-lists with an eye on the loot for the whole raid)

Describe your gear quality:

Nearly BiS pre-T6, crafted BT bracers

Include relevant PvE stats (E.g Mp5/Hit/Avoidance etc):

bonus spell damage ~1200, 326 crit rating (~25% non-fire)

General questions

What other games do you have/play?)

League of Legends (Platinum), Diablo III, Warframe, Freewar, Hearthstone

Favorite all time Boss and why?)

Event: Zul'Aman timed event cause it's fun in the beginning - Boss: C'thun cause it's hard as fuck

What sort of role do you prefer oo be in a raid setup?)

damage dealer

Do you have any alts that you actively play? Tell us a bit about them.)

Yes, a pre-T5 BiS mage (I love mages. Was previously a Maulgar mage tank alt^^)

Guild related questions

What was the name of the last guild you were in and why did you leave?

Melody/U mad cause they disbanded

Do you know anyone in the guild?

Komsomol, Naralith, Iols and some other

What do you know/How did you hear about Panacea?

I heard about Panacea when I was looking around for horde guilds. At that time my gear was quite crappy (I played for two weeks at that time) and I thought about playing in a "lower" guild - that's why I joined Melody and became a core raider there

What influenced your decision to play on this server?

Because I love Burning Crusade deeply

Raiding Information and PvE Experience

What is your raiding experience (if any)?

Archangel: Raidleading T4+T5, clearing T5 with Melody and all T6 Melody first kills up to Aran's Scheme - Mannoroth (Ger): full content clear except M'uru + Kil (stopped raiding at that time)

Do you feel you can bring anything special or unique to ?

I can only offer myself and I won't say I am something special. But I know the bosses by heart, I am dedicated, friendly and interested in a gaming community which plays other games besides WoW as well. At last I can offer a special treatment of loot needing members in the funraids

How is your availability? Will you make the weekly raids? We also tend to add more raiding days during progression, how would you cope with that?

I will make all raid days but might be off 1 day per week (volunteer work - most of the time makeable on off-raid-days) and am late on Monday (~8pm)

What consumables will you bring to each raid?

Depends on the talents I run. On fire: Flame Cap, Flask, Destruction Potion, Scrolls, healing/mana potions, oil, Drums, Rumsey Rum, buff food

Do you have time and the gold to prepare for raids?


What content have you NOT cleared on this server?

Archimonde, RoS, Mother, IC, Illidan

Additional words

What do you say about Melody? What do you think about bug abusing?

I enjoyed the time while being in Melody but I don't cope the bug abusing thing. I didn't participate in the regarding raids as I was already in hospital and the only bug I abused is the double flask bug. I will behave in these questions as the guild rules say

Isn't the mage roster closed for applications?

I think there is always a spot you can offer for a good player. At least I'd like to join the guild to get to know more people and play with them other games if you can't offer a raid spot

Thank you for your time!
Mänche Männer bemühen sich ein Leben lang, das Wesen einer Frau zu verstehen. Andere befassen sich mit weniger schwierigen Dingen, wie zB der Relativitätstheorie. - Einstein
Das Geld zieht nur den Eigennutz an und verführt stets unwiderruflich zum Mißbrauch. - Einstein
Wer die Freiheit aufgibt, um Sicherheit zu gewinnen, wird am Ende beides verlieren. - Franklin
Auch aus Steinen, die uns in den Weg gelegt werden, kann man Schönes bauen. - Goethe
Wir leben alle unter dem gleichen Himmel, aber haben nicht alle den gleichen Horizont - Adenauer
Ich putz hier nur
Ich putz hier nur
Beiträge: 71
Registriert: 18.03.2009, 05:33
Wohnort: München

von Anzeige » 07.12.2013, 20:21


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