Application old

Und damit meine ich nicht die Bild-Schlagzeile

Application old

Beitragvon Arastrus » 08.02.2014, 03:36

Information about myself

Name: Kevin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student beginning in September, learned Software Developer (vocational school - little bit special in Germany)
Location: Ottobrunn, near Munich (GER)

[justify]My goal is and has been PvE entirely. I am not interested in PvP except giving some nice bracers to me. Due to this I am looking for a guild which main focus is PvE as well and takes it serious - with a decent amount of luls. And jumping. And confusing/entertaining evenings on Teamspeak/Raidcall. I am a dedicated theorycrafter to get the last percent out of everything.
On retail I only played TBC and quit with Wotlk, because it gave nothing to me. When I heard about Archangel last Friday I had to start playing and quit the other games I played :P
Archangel is my first private server.[/justify]

Character information

Name of character: Shariva
Professions: spellcloth tailor (max), enchanter (not max)
Class: Mage (currently fire)
Talents: My talents

[justify]Deep fire can't be outdamaged in TBC except by an arcan spec (e.g. 40-21-0) but suits well for T4 content and provides better mana efficiency and crowd control compared to arcane. Everything is tuned for max damage (e.g. Icy Veins) and lowering of mana consumption. Dragon's Breath is skilled because of it's additional crowd control, for farming and Illidan.[/justify]
[justify]Enchants and gems: All standard (spell hit > spell power > critical strike > haste > stamina) except smaller enchantments on bracers and gloves (10 spelldamage/10 crit) because they will be changed in short future. 1 Meta gem (increased critical strike damage).[/justify]
Character stats:
HP.: 6.583
MP: 8.171
Bonus fire damage: 742 (>800 in 2-3 days)
Crit rating: 243
Hit rating: 165
Contact me for ingame gear check or screenshots.

My class' raid role:
[justify]Mages are caster dps. Therefore they have two main goals: Dealing as much damage as possible without threatning the raid (e.g. pulling aggro) and making it easier for the healer (crowd control to protect them if neccessary, eating no/low damage, good positioning, taking pots). Furtheron there are some minor tasks: decursing, sheeping, buffing int/amplifying, Will of the Forsaken and so on. While doing all this you should never go oom and only use evocation when really neccessary.
Oh yeah and we are mages. So there are cookies, portals, luling, jumping and so on.[/justify]

Information regarding raiding

Previous raiding experience:
[justify]I cleared T4-T6 with the guild "oldschool" on Mannoroth. With the same guild I cleared the first three bosses of Sunwell before I had no time to raid anymore in between Sunwell and release of Wotlk. Here is an armory link with my "show" equipment where I got three T6 items after release of Wotlk: Armory link
Additionally I ran weekly "funraids" as raidleader on days without guild raiding one tier below guild progression (seem to be "pug raids" here but they were very uncommon back in 2008). With these random people I cleared T4/T5 and 8 bosses BT/3 bosses MH as raidleader. For german readers our old board: Funraids of Mannoroth
I already cleared Gruul as raidlead on Archangel. Guild progression is always more important than funraids. It is NOT my goal to raidlead a guild unless it is neccessary.[/justify]
My raid related addons:
Deadly Boss Mods

[justify]With my addons I focus on as oldschool as possible with all benefits from addons. I am used to play on small resolutions and I hesitate from using imgur so I hope you take my dropbox link as well: My UI
Please recognize: Combustion, Icy Veins and trinkets are only there to see the cd. I don't click them (See "Boom" Macro on key binding). Additionally I use A LOT of macros and am a stopcaster.[/justify]
PC and network information: 2,7 GHz dual core, 4GB RAM, Nvidia GeForce GT 540M, 6MB DSL

Kara - attuned with Key
TK - SSH, Arca, SV and Magtheridon missing
SSC - Nightbane missing
BT - The Ata'Mal Terrace
MH - Kael + Vashj :P
I look forward to have SSC and TK attunement until Friday, depends on my funraids.

Additional Information

[justify]Why me? Melody should pick me because you think my gear and my application are good enough. Whatever I do I try to do good. And because of my black humor. I'm mostly harmless.

Why Melody? I want to join Melody, because the other top guilds on this server are not EU or appealing to me or have their main goal to make server first kills. Of course I work for server first kills, but my focus is on meeting enjoyable, skilled people and having fun. It seems like Melody can provide this.

My expectations: From you I expect to be polite, giving me feedback if you see I could do something better or did something wrong and having fun.

Contact: I play only on Shariva. Besides contact me per pn or per e-mail which is related to this account.

Adding: Guess there is even more to talk about but it's long enough already. Talk to me ingame or invite me to voicechat for further questions/talking.[/justify]

Hope to not have stolen too much time from you,

thanks for reading,


Prio one rare
Mänche Männer bemühen sich ein Leben lang, das Wesen einer Frau zu verstehen. Andere befassen sich mit weniger schwierigen Dingen, wie zB der Relativitätstheorie. - Einstein
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Wer die Freiheit aufgibt, um Sicherheit zu gewinnen, wird am Ende beides verlieren. - Franklin
Auch aus Steinen, die uns in den Weg gelegt werden, kann man Schönes bauen. - Goethe
Wir leben alle unter dem gleichen Himmel, aber haben nicht alle den gleichen Horizont - Adenauer
Ich putz hier nur
Ich putz hier nur
Beiträge: 71
Registriert: 18.03.2009, 05:33
Wohnort: München

von Anzeige » 08.02.2014, 03:36


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